The Sisters
We like to think of ourselves as a BRIDGE between mainline denominations with their emphasis on the WORD and WORSHIP and the charismatic tradition with their emphasis on the SPIRIT and ACTION. And we happen to thoroughly enjoy aspects of all these traditions.
Various Christian theologians, missionaries, writers, and visionaries shaped us spiritually and formed our expectations of the Christian life, including: St. Anthony, Martin Luther, John & Charles Wesley, Amy Carmichael, Ignatius of Loyola, Corrie Ten Boom, Brother Andrew, George Washington Carver, Oswald Chambers, Dorothy L. Sayers, C.S. Lewis, Harriet Tubman, Gladys Alyward, Smith Wigglesworth, Henrietta Mears, Brother Yun, George Mueller, and a multitude of others. They have been mentors and guides to us as we navigate this audacious adventure that is life with and in Christ.
In much the same way, our faith was profoundly impacted by our parents’ unwavering faith in the goodness, generosity, and love of God despite any and all circumstances. Their active, risk-taking faith shaped our understanding of what freedom in Christ can look like. As a result, we are allergic to legalism.
Our rich, hymn-filled childhood in evangelical Lutheran churches gave us a respect for the beauty and formative capacities of liturgical worship, and most especially, a reverence for the infallibility and power of the WORD OF GOD. But once we hit our late thirties, early forties — divine discontent set in. There HAD to be MORE to the Christian life than thinking and believing correct theology (though that is obviously crucial). Books like J.P. Moreland’s Kingdom Triangle, Jackie Pullinger’s Chasing the Dragon, Jack Deere’s Surprised by the Power of the Spirit, and Dick McLellan’s Warriors of Ethiopia, as well as lectures by John Coe at the Institute for Spiritual Formation, opened our eyes to what was possible with God and sparked a desire in us to explore what the Christian life could look like when empowered and equipped by the Holy Spirit. Opening our entire lives, all parts of ourselves, to the work of the Holy Spirit helped us ENCOUNTER God in all things. God is always active. God is always desiring us. God is always inviting us into deeper intimacy with him.
We also discovered that THE SPIRITUAL GIFTS ARE FOR TODAY! And that all believers can walk in Holy Spirit power and love — including prophesying, praying for healing, operating in words of knowledge, setting people free from spiritual bondage, and expecting miracles as part of everyday life.
All this is part of THE AUDACIOUS ADVENTURE. We simply can’t put God in a box. Just when we think we understand exactly what He’s up to — He switches gears and shakes things up! We’re life-long learners, and these spiritual adventures feed our soul. So if you’re interested in hearing God for yourself and others, and taking audacious spiritual risks every day — you’ve come to the right place!
For more about our specific beliefs and theology, head over to What We Believe.
Autumn Cornwell
One of my favorite quotes by St. Augustine sums up my theology: “A Christian should be an Alleluia from head to foot!” Wooo Hooo!

Comedy, storytelling, and the “creative life” have always been my passion, which is why I initially pursued a career in TV and film in L.A. before shifting to writing books. I’m the author of the comedic YA adventure novels Carpe Diem and Never Sorry Ever Jolly, as well as a variety of comedic fiction and nonfiction works in progress – so stay tuned! Adventure has always been part of my life – I thrive on physical, creative, and spiritual risks whether it be backpacking through the jungles of Laos, skydiving over New Zealand, performing stand up for charity – or co-planting a church in Hollywood with only a week’s notice. Growing up in the church, spending my formative years as a missionary kid in Southeast Asia, attending Christian schools and college, and spending most of my adult life in volunteer church leadership, ministry, and international outreach all gave me a solid biblical foundation and spiritual grounding.
But I yearned for the kind of supernatural life the church of Acts lived. And I got it! I spent years training in the areas of prophecy, listening prayer, healing prayer, intercessory prayer, the spiritual gifts, and spiritual warfare. Now my life with Jesus is an adventure that is never dull, sometimes messy, and often wacky – and I’ve seen hundreds of lives transformed through the power of the Holy Spirit. I live in SoCal (Southern California) with my husband of 29 years, J.C. (my college boyfriend – the MRS degree does exist, folks!), and two teenagers, who are as creatively adventurous as I am – and literally make me laugh out loud on a daily basis!

Danica Childs
“Love makes the soul crawl out of its hiding place.” This quote by Zora Neale Hurston could be talking about God – He loves us into revealing our true selves, opening the doors to our hidden ugly parts, and receiving His healing, compassionate love.
My heart’s desire is to help people experience this magnanimous, lavish love God has for them; to help them open up to the truth of themselves; and to experience the freedom and fun to be had as a child of God. When God confirmed this calling, I left a decade-long job managing a customer service department in the digital advertising industry to pursue a MA in Spiritual Formation /Soul Care from Talbot Seminary. I now work as a Spiritual Director offering direction to individuals and I work with my sister creating retreats, workshops, and other options for helping people experience God’s desire for and delight in them as they live out the adventure of a lifetime.
Prior to getting the above degree, I also got a MA in Christian Apologetics at Biola University and then spent the next ten years in a Hollywood church preaching, teaching and leading in various capacities. I’ve been married for over twenty years to Steve who has been my number one encourager and cheerleader. We homeschool our zany daughters — two of God’s greatest gifts to us! Cozying up with a mug of tea and a mystery, taking nature walks to find fungi, perusing art in world famous museums, and spontaneous mad-cap adventures are my ideas of time well spent.
For more information on my work as a Spiritual Director, click here.